We believe that everyone has the power to change, we value our patients' multiple needs and strive to achieve those needs. We are proud of our results and unique successes in the field of bariatric surgeries and various laparoscopic surgeries, as a result of our tremendous commitment to achieving maximum patient safety. In addition, a whole series of measures designed to ensure the improvement of the surgical outcomes. Our vision. Changing the lives of more obese patients!
Dr. Ahmed Hatem is distinguished by the single-use of surgical tools, which means that bariatric surgery is performed with highly sterilized tools, just for you.
Bariatric surgery can change your life, but it is only the first step on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. After surgery, it's necessary to continue making decisions that will preserve the outcome of the surgery and improve overall health. These usually include getting adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet.
The success of bariatric surgery requires you to follow strict dietary guidelines in the first two months after surgery. The following prohibitions must be considered:
1- Do not immediately start eating the usual food:
Dr. Ahmed Hatem, consultant of bariatric and laparoscopic surgeries, will customize a post-operative diet plan for you, based on several different factors and your individual needs.
2- Don't eat large meals:
You cannot eat as much food as you used to before the surgery, without feeling some discomfort. So you have to eat smaller amounts to prevent overeating and to avoid stomach disorders.
3- Do not drink soft drinks:
Soft drinks can lead to a buildup of gas in the stomach, causing it to stretch and creating more space, which can often make you feel hungry. So drinking soft drinks can hinder weight loss.
4- Do not neglect fruits and vegetables in every meal:
If you perform Gastric Bypass surgery, the food you eat no longer passes through most of the intestines to absorb its nutrients. That means you do not always get all the vitamins and minerals that you ingest. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all the foods you eat contain a high nutritional content, in addition to taking the supplements recommended by Dr. Ahmed Hatem.
5- Do not drink during meals:
The presence of fluid in the stomach accelerates the rate of food transmission to the small intestine. This can cause dumping syndrome, which shows various symptoms such as sweating, diarrhea, bloating, cramping, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and hypotension. Avoid drinking 30 minutes before and after meals.
Of course, all obese patients want to get rid of these excess weights, which have exhausted them physically and psychologically. They start practicing violent diets and strenuous sports, but without noticeable results, which leads them to think about bariatric surgery, but they always think of how to perform the surgery with international safety standards.
If you are one of these, you should take the first steps to ensure your safety, by choosing the most skilled surgeon who follows all safety methods to provide you with a safe surgery without pain.
Sleeve gastrectomy safety standards:
The most important safety criteria in gastric sleeve surgery are followed by Dr. Ahmed Hatem, consultant of bariatric and laparoscopic surgeries, which are:
1- Ensure the level of the hospital and its medical equipment within the operating room, that is equipped with:
- The latest international gastric laparoscopy devices.
- Radiology and microanalysis devices.
- The latest advanced anesthetic device which considers the patient’s health condition and the presence of other diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases. This allows all patient categories to achieve the dream of an ideal weight, even dialysis patients, open-heart surgery patients, or heart stents patients.
2- A specialized, highly trained medical staff, consisting of surgical assistants, anesthesiologist, and nursing staff to serve the patient perfectly.
3- Single-use of surgical tools which provide standard safety procedures, to prevent infection and improve the efficiency of the surgery. The single-use surgical instruments ensure absolute accuracy and protect patients' internal organs from being injured.
4- Dr. Ahmed Hatem is keen to inject local anesthesia, in addition to using general anesthesia, to ensure that the patient does not feel any pain.
5- Also, Dr. Ahmed Hatem performs a leak test during and after the gastric sleeve surgery, to be completely sure of all the details.
6- The use of a surgical laparoscope, instead of a surgical opening, helps avoid bleeding or pain.
7- Pre- and post-operative care by setting a specific pre-operative diet that contains high proportions of protein, because it increases the achievement of a higher level of outcomes, as well as following the post-operative specific diet.
Your journey to the ideal weight is perfectly safe with Dr. Ahmed Hatem, a consultant bariatric and laparoscopic surgeon, who is keen to provide you with the best medical care before, during, and after the surgery.
Many may confuse the symptoms of gallbladder inflammations and colon inflammations, due to the similarity of their digestive system symptoms. Usually, the patient needs to consult a doctor to determine the exact problem and start an appropriate treatment plan.
The colon is the part of the digestive system responsible for dealing with non-absorbable food residues in the small intestine. It absorbs water from these remains and turns them into waste products to be expelled from the body through the anus. Some patients may develop colon inflammations as a result of exposure to nervous stress and tension, a side effect of many of the medications used or following some wrong daily habits such as eating different fatty foods and spicy foods.
Common symptoms of gallbladder inflammations and colon inflammations:
Both may cause several common symptoms, most famously severe bloating, abdominal gases, changes in normal defecation habits, diarrhea, or constipation, as well as nausea.
The difference between gallbladder pain and colon pain:
- The pain of gall bladder inflammation occurs in the right side of the upper abdomen and spreads to the right shoulder or between the shoulders in the back. The severity of the pain increases half an hour after meals, especially fatty meals, and the feeling of pain may extend to a few hours.
Also, the pain of gall bladder inflammation is accompanied by increased sweating, elevated body temperature, and the skin may turn yellow due to the accumulation of bile juice.
- Pain of colon inflammations occur all over the abdomen, specifically in the left side of the lower abdomen, and it subsides when defecating.
Usually, mucus is present with the stool. The patient does not feel complete emptying of his stomach after defecation but rather suffers from a feeling of fullness and has a constant desire to defecate.
The difference between gallbladder pain and colon pain is determined through the consultation of a skilled and experienced doctor, Dr. Ahmed Hatem, a consultant in laparoscopic and bariatric surgeries, and by performing the required tests for rapid intervention if necessary, to prevent complications of inflammation and gallstones after confirming the diagnosis.
We face a lot of trouble when discovering a disease, especially when the disease is diagnosed after it has reached its advanced stages, particularly when the disease is life-threatening, such as colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer is considered the third most common type of cancer among men and women. Also, it is a serious disease due to the difficulty of its treatment in its advanced stages. It has no symptoms in its early stages, which makes it a silent disease that can end the patient’s life unless it is treated early. Dr. Ahmed Hatem often recommends detecting colorectal cancer using an endoscope at the age of 50 and above.
Reasons for detecting colorectal cancer early, even in the absence of symptoms:
1- Colorectal cancer is one of the most common diseases that affect people over 50 years of age. Therefore, an endoscopic examination should be performed every five years to ensure the integrity of the colon. However, in the case of a family history of colon cancer, early endoscopic detection should be performed at the age of 40 and repeated continuously every 3-5 years. Also, patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are more likely to develop colorectal cancer, so they should get early colorectal cancer detection.
2- Colorectal cancer develops at a slow rate without causing any symptoms in its early stages. Upon disease progression, the patient suffers several symptoms such as hematopoiesis, blood-accompanied diarrhea, constipation, defecation in small quantities, small stool size, and a feeling of pain during defecation. These symptoms indicate that the cancer is in an advanced stage where treatment is difficult.
3- Colonoscopy is one of the best tests for detecting colon cancer because it is the most accurate diagnostic tool for detecting the presence of polyps or abnormal tissues inside the intestine, which is the first indication of the possibility of cancer. During the examination, Dr. Ahmed Hatem removes them, if found, to be evaluated in the laboratory to determine the presence of carcinogenic cells or not, to help make all future decisions regarding the patient’s treatment plan when required.
The colonoscopy procedure has other benefits, as it's not just about detecting colon cancer. It also allows the detection of other diseases related to the colon. You can ensure the health of your digestive system by performing a safe colonoscopy with our expert, Dr. Ahmed Hatem, in just thirty to sixty minutes.
The control of metabolic activity in the body is the function of the thyroid gland. Therefore, after thyroidectomy surgery, hormone levels decrease and metabolic rates are reduced below the normal level.
The body weight is affected by the function of the thyroid gland and the activity of the metabolic processes, where hypothyroidism leads to weight gain, due to the slowing of metabolic processes, reduced burning of calories, and the accumulation of water and salts in the body. On the other side, hyperthyroidism leads to significant weight loss.
Studies have found that patients who removed their thyroid gland suffered a significant increase in their weight during the first year of the operation, compared to people with hypothyroidism. Women who performed a thyroidectomy in menopause gain more weight.
Role of hormonal therapies in weight control:
After removing the thyroid gland, the treatment depends on administrating levothyroxine hormonal tablets in calculated and accurate drug doses, to compensate for thyroid hormones that are no longer secreted.
Some may resort to high doses and overdoses due to fear of weight gain, but this is a wrong behavior, as it can lead to muscle and bone problems and increase the risk to the heart muscle.
Weight control after thyroidectomy:
Weight control is a real challenge for patients who have performed thyroidectomy. Many patients manage to control their weight by following one of the following methods, besides the administration of the hormonal medication :
1- Calculation of calories: The patient is obligated to eat a certain number of calories without exceeding them to reach the desired weight. This is done by counting the number of calories for each item he eats during the day.
2- Diets: Reliance on high-protein diets, such as the keto diet.
3- Exercising: Performing exercises improve cardiovascular health, bone density, and long-term health.
Changes after thyroidectomy:
Weight gain after thyroidectomy is one of the most prominent changes that occur after the surgery, but other changes may occur in the body, most notably:
- Feeling tired and unwell.
- Feeling cold.
- Joint and muscle pain.
- Constipation.
- Dryness and itching of the skin due to low levels of sweating.
Obesity is one of the most difficult public health problems, as it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, joint pain, and diabetes. It is worth noting that it is associated with an increased risk of cognitive deterioration such as memory loss and dementia. Obesity may also contribute to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, which suggests that the disease causes changes in the brain.
The multiple effects of obesity on the nervous system:
1- Impact on mental health:
Recent studies have shown that obesity creates differences in the shape and structure of the brain, affecting the volume of gray matter found in the middle of the brain. This is evident during the magnetic imaging scan to monitor the volume of gray matter in the brain and determine the extent to which it is affected by obesity.
Gray matter represents a large part of the central nervous system and includes the neurons responsible for the senses, facilitating the transmission of incoming information to and from the senses, as it processes information as it travels through the nerve fibers until it reaches its target.
High levels of fat distributed on the body are associated with the reduction of the volume of gray matter. Consequently, neural connections are lost, which negatively affects the transmission of signals within brain networks.
2- Increased risk of stroke:
Obesity increases the risk of stroke, as a result of several main aspects:
- Excessive obesity increases the risk of developing hypertension and diabetes, which are the two main causes of stroke, in addition to a low level of HDL in the body, which is also one of the factors that increase the risk of stroke.
- Obesity increases the risk of strokes due to inflammation caused by excess fatty tissue, which can lead to plaque accumulation on the vessels walls and cause their narrowing. Obesity also increases the likelihood of blood clots, which may cause a blockage in the vessels responsible for feeding the brain, stopping the blood flow to the brain, and this is called a stroke.
3- Increased risk of depression:
Obese patients often become depressed and isolated from society due to low self-confidence and fear of being bullied.
We hope that public awareness of the relationship between obesity and neurological health will increase, just as many are aware of its damage to the heart and blood vessels and its cause of type 2 diabetes and cancer.
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Everything advanced in Endoscopic surgery
We are constantly seeking to apply the latest treatment methods adopted globally and provide them to our patients, so Doctor Ahmed Hatem is keen to participate in all international conferences in this field.
You can benefit from the comprehensive program offered by Doctor Ahmed Hatem's medical team, which includes expert assistant surgeons and nutritionists. The program includes preoperative and intraoperative education, lifelong follow-up, and postoperative support and assistance. Our team will help you achieve your goal of losing weight and improving your quality of life.
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Participation in the World Congress of the International Federation for Bariatric Surgeries - Dubai